Fabián Jiménez, Guilherme "Gatz" Maueler, Lawrence Hodge, and Peter Westermann. These artists are some of the most incredibly talented individuals that I've ever known of. Their works are truly phenomenal. I stumbled upon their Facebook page randomly and was taken aback. One of the things that I really enjoyed about Threyda is their dramatic diversity of style. Every one of their artists have a vastly unique style of art. They also use abnormal media, such as Photoshop, which I find to be awesome. Photoshop is quite the complex software to use and understand enough to utilize it's full potential; And the way that Westermann portrays his mind through Photoshop is just dumbfounding. The psychedelic sketches from Gatz are equally impressive, though. His more freestyle and abstract approach to his art is most interesting. I also love his choice in music. His Dark Side of the Moon series of works is my favorite. Lawrence Hodge's works are astounding for me in their intricacy. One of my favorite things in art is when it's so deep and complex, that it seems like you can always find new things to discover, or look at, or draw connections too. I find this apparent in Hodge's art. Finally, Mr. Jiménez's work (displayed above) is just beyond words. His complexity, color schemes, and overall stylistic elements are nothing like I've ever seen before. I wish only to promote these guys' work, and make them more well known. Hopefully you all share my continued interest in them!
Check them out @
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